A Proven Process to Save You Time and Money
Our four-step Cost-Saver Analysis Program is ideal for companies and organizations with multiple locations and waste streams, helping us find the best possible solution for your company — saving you time, money, and a lot of hassle along the way.
Step 1: Evaluation
We will begin with a hands-on detailed analysis of your current waste stream. This includes:
- Identifying all waste streams including solid waste and recycling
- Size of containers and frequency of pick-up
- Weight and volume analysis
- Assessment of reuse and recycling potential
- Analysis of current contracts for all your locations
- View Sample Environmental Enhancement Report
Step 2: Waste Stream Report
After our waste experts evaluate your current situation, we’ll create a customized solution that uses increased recycling, stream diversion, a tailored pickup schedule, the right equipment and whatever else is necessary to find the right approach for each of your locations. This report will include a quantification of your current waste streams and levels along with recommendations on consolidating waste streams to reduce cost.
Step 3: Bidding and Contracting of Services
Once we have a complete understanding of your wastes we can help you get the best rates and terms for your waste removal. Green Road Waste & Recycling will develop detailed specifications to ensure you receive the best service and competitive rates. We are associated with large certified landfills, local and national collection companies, and both public and private recycling centers. And we’ll handle the entire process from start to finish–so you don’t have to worry about it.
Step 4: Program Management
Once your customized waste program is underway, our job’s not finished. We’ll monitor pickups, provide custom management reports, consolidate all invoices into one monthly bill, and provide a single point of contact for customer service.